Poem Arcanus...

Aut Vincere aut mori...

Some Photograph

In this picture, I meet some friends from my school when I was in fourth grade! If I 'm   not mistaken this was taken by a classmate about 11 at night! xD siiii Too late to go around hahahahah(1313) ... we were actually taking the fresh air of the beach, the specific location: "Punta de Tralca", a beautiful n' peaceful place built by priests, there are cabins and much to walk around at night, For all was a time of great reflection, because we had little to take the big decision to choose our destiny college or whatever, many cried that day, others like me, we became strong and just laugh nervously to hide the great time coming!. 

I chose this picture because it brings me many memories of how well you spend those days outside the city, although I've no contact with my classmates ... what if I said that two of them (center), is keen to enter Veterinary Medicine next year xD! Coincidence?.

mmmmmm I can't stand the temptation to publish another photo, but now with my friends of the University (Faculty of Engineering), when I was taking classes to earn a scholarship to me while I was in fourth grade!,
that photo was LAST DAY THAT WE HAD CLASS: (

Any more questions about what happens that day
ask freely

I hope you like
see you

1 comentarios:

I think that's my favourite !!, is true I visit many web pages every day but ¿choose only one?... it's hard; Although in my history's browser (FirefoOox): the most visited page is : power-ride.blogspot.com/
and the second place : www.facebook.com.
The power-ride is a young blog that devoted to the Music!! From Rock to Pop and all the intermediate range...
a few months ago this Great Blog had his 2nd Birthday,I quite like SP becouse can update of Music World and I order some music that interests me and I find no records on the Internet for example : Rock and Power Ballads from Europe being that the market collapsed in Reggeaton or Dark Music(Metal...)
I exaggerate a bit but...I prefer Deep or Romantics Lyrics,but a hate the bad blood thematics or against religion.... Well Facebook.com!!! for me is a Social web page,that i use how mailbox with my friends and for enjoy my "Breaks" after University's Class with many Quiz or posting to my friends.
Some Photograph
Publicado por René Augusto comentarios (0)

well done!! I lie the website as well.


p.s. you got a 6

In this picture, I meet some friends from my school when I was in fourth grade! If I 'm not mistaken this was taken by a classmate about 11 at night! xD siiii Too late to go around hahahahah(1313) ... we were actually taking the fresh air of the beach, the specific location: "Punta de Tralca", a beautiful n' peaceful place built by priests, there are cabins and much to walk around at night, For all was a time of great reflection, because we had little to take the big decision to choose our destiny college or whatever, many cried that day, others like me, we became strong and just laugh nervously to hide the great time coming!.

I chose this picture because it brings me many memories of how well you spend those days outside the city, although I've no contact with my classmates ... what if I said that two of them (center), is keen to enter Veterinary Medicine next year xD! Coincidence?.

mmmmmm I can't stand the temptation to publish another photo, but now with my friends of the University (Faculty of Engineering), when I was taking classes to earn a scholarship to me while I was in fourth grade!,
that photo was LAST DAY THAT WE HAD CLASS: (

Any more questions about what happens that day
ask freely

I hope you like
see you

What happened?? can you tell me? ejej

p.s. you got a 6.7
My Favourite piece of Technology
Publicado por René Augusto comentarios (0)

Brand to start this blog, I uploaded an image of an object that I quite like, is not the favorite! but ... at least helps me fairly:

"The Car"

As WO I got it? A hard question when I was born my parents had a car hahahaha xD!, so it's effort from them, but seriously speaking, a year ago and a little more, my parents gave me a 4x4 just before leaving school, this in my name (100% mine) but ... is a great tool that makes life easier for me (I can also listen ^ my favorite music), when dealing with health emergencies, going on a trip (which I love) or just a walk ... although I enjoy walking!, how often you use it? if there is a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say 5, since I do not want to be a robot! :P hahaha.
why I like? it is great and allows me to visit mysterious places like the mountains or the north of my country, my little car goes with me to all .. gives me the opportunity to have experiences outside the cement jungle, it would be without it? mmmm I've been without a car, and does not affect much, at least to me that I have trained like a Spartan good! , Is very useful but will not die by not having it.

good for you!good you can live without it...
p.s. you got 6.5


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