Poem Arcanus...

Aut Vincere aut mori...

My Web Page !! I think that's my favourite

I think that's my favourite !!, is true I visit many web pages every day but ¿choose only one?... it's hard; Although in my history's browser (FirefoOox): the most visited page is : power-ride.blogspot.com/
and the second place : www.facebook.com.
The power-ride
is a young blog that devoted to the Music!! From Rock to Pop and all the intermediate range...
a few months ago this Great Blog  had his 2nd Birthday,I quite like becouse can update of Music World and I order some music that interests me and I find no records on the Internet for example : Rock and Power Ballads from Europe being that the market collapsed in Reggeaton or Dark Music(Metal...)
I exaggerate a bit but...I prefer Deep  or Romantics Lyrics,but a hate the bad blood thematics or against  religion.... Well  Facebook.com!!! for me is a Social web page,that i use how mailbox with my friends and for enjoy my "Breaks" after University's Class with many Quiz or posting to my friends.

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