Poem Arcanus...

Aut Vincere aut mori...

Place Vendome- My Guardian Angel

Country : Germany !!
 Members :                                                  Style : Hard/Melodic Rock

Michael Kiske (Ex-Helloween)

Uwe Reitenauer (Pink Cream 69)
Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69)
Gunter Werno (Vanden Plas)
Kosta Zafiriou (Pink Cream 69,Axxis)
The Lyrics :

I've got the strange feeling,
That I am never really alone.
I can feel her eyes follow me,
Wherever I go, she will always know

Suddenly I'm awake,
There is no one here all is empty here
Maybe it's a mistake
Could everything be a dream?

Guarding my heart, protecting my soul
There is a guardian angel here
She is watching over me
Healing my wounds, guiding me home
There is a guardian angel here
She is keeping me alive
My guardian angel.

I'm looking in the mirror
And I can only see a stranger's face
Who am I turning into
Save me now, before it is too late

Suddenly I'm awake,
There is no one here all is empty here
Maybe it's a mistake
Could everything be a dream?

Guarding my heart, protecting my soul
There is a guardian angel here
She is watching over me
Healing my wounds, guiding me home
There is a guardian angel here
She is keeping me alive
My guardian angel.

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